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How to Restore Old Wooden Furniture

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Buying brand new furniture can be quite costly, and there may not really be any need for it. For instance, you may have some good, solid pieces of furniture that just need a little bit of care and refurbishing to make them look great again. You don't have to be a professional furniture restorer in order to be able to make your old items look new and different. All you need are a few tools, spare time, and a bit of patience. Here are some tips for restoring old wooden furniture.

Remove Old Paint & Stain

The first thing to do when you are restoring old wooden furniture is to remove the paint or stain that is already on it. It is likely wearing off anyway, or you wouldn't be refinishing the piece in the first place. You can get paint and stain removal solutions at any home improvement centre. Often, the best way to remove the old paint or stain is to apply the solution, let it sit for a few minutes, and then scrap off the paint or stain.

Sand the Surface

Now you will need to make sure that the surface is nice and smooth. Use a rough grit sandpaper to get rid of any splinters or rough spots. Once the piece is completely smooth, you can smooth it out even more by switching to a softer grit sandpaper.

Fill Holes & Cracks

If there are any cracks or holes in the wood, now is the time to fill them in. Use a wood filler, which is available at hardware stores and home improvement centres, to fill in any spaces that shouldn't be in the piece of furniture. Let the filler dry according to the manufacturer's directions. Once it is dry, sand the filled areas so that they are smooth and flush with the surface of the wood.

Paint or Stain

You are almost finished now. All you have left to do is paint or stain the piece. If you liked the way it originally looked, you can go with the same colours. Or, you can paint or stain in another colour, and make it look like a completely different piece.

Finishing Touches

If the item that you are restoring is a chair, you can spruce it up even more by adding a new cushion. If it is upholstered, you can change the upholstery with new fabric and a few upholstery nails. Be sure to fold the edges of the fabric under before nailing it to the furniture so it has a finished appearance. For more tips and suggestions, you can contact local resources like Clifton Upholstery.
