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Closet Layout | 4 Brilliant Hacks To Maximise Space in a Tiny Walk-in Wardrobe

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A walk in wardrobe is a fantastic way to manage your accessories and clothing. But what happens when excess items produce a cluttered and untidy wardrobe space—making it near impossible to find your stuff without creating an even bigger mess than before? Smart solutions and careful consideration will transform the way you use your walk in wardrobe, even if it is tiny. That means harsh decisions about what stays and what gets thrown away. Here are some brilliant hacks to help maximise space in your tiny walk-in wardrobe.

Make an Inventory List

Pare down your clothes and accessories by making an inventory list of every item you own. Pile them into three categories: essential, desirable and throwaway. The essential and desirable items remain in your closet, while you get rid of the throwaway items.

If you haven't used some clothing items in years, you probably don't need them. Place them into the throwaway category and get rid of all the unnecessary junk from your walk in wardrobe to open up the space. Now that you're left with just the items you need and want, you'll find it easier to plan your walk in wardrobe layout.

Build Extra Rod and Organisation Space

Hanging clothes up rather than folding them into bulky drawers will free up a tremendous amount of space in your tiny walk in wardrobe. By adding rods, you are creating storage solutions reduces floor clutter to infuse the illusion of space into a small wardrobe. Organise accessories smartly by hanging baskets, hooks and bags on the insides of doors for accessories like earrings, watches, ties, belts, necklaces, hats and scarves. By removing your items from the floor, you create a neatly organised wardrobe that not only looks great, but also makes things easier to find.

Use Awkward Corner Spaces Intelligently

Use awkward corner spaces intelligently by installing open shelves for placing your clothes and accessories. Open shelves utilise minimum space, while providing you with enough storage solutions for everything from shoes and handbags to clothes and books. Because of their 'open' nature, they enable you to make maximum use of otherwise wasted corner spaces. Make sure the area is well lit, so that you can find all your items more easily.

Create Easy Access Spaces in the Front

Remember to place all your frequently used items in easy access areas in the front of the walk in wardrobe − you don't want to be scrounging around the rear end of the wardrobe for your everyday essentials. For example, in-season summer clothes can be placed on the front shelves, while out-of-season winter clothing can be packed into the back of the closet until they come in handy. By creating easy access spaces for frequent accessories, you'll avoid creating a mess when you're looking for your stuff in every nook and corner.

Prevent your walk in wardrobe from turning into a tangled chaos by streamlining your storage space shrewdly. For more tips on adding extra space to your wardrobe, contact services like Wardrobe Selection Centre.
