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Avoid Scalding: What to Do If The Water in Your Solar Heated Water Tank Gets Too Hot

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Unfortunately, solar hot water heaters can sometimes overheat their water, and as a result, the water that comes through your hot water tap could be absolutely scalding. Luckily, there are steps you can take to prevent your solar hot water heater from overheating your water. Take a look at these ideas:

1. Increase the size of your tank

If overheating is a constant problem throughout the year, your water storage may be out of balance with your collectors. Your collectors are essentially collecting more heat than your stored water needs. You can minimize this effect by simply using a larger water tank.

2. Tilt your solar collectors

If overheating is a seasonal issue rather than a year-round one, adjust the amount of heat being collected by strategically tilting your solar collectors. Collectors in a supine position absorb more heat, while those in a tilted position absorb slightly less heat.

At the beginning of each summer or spring, tilt your collectors to reduce the amount of summer sun they collect but then move them back to a flat position for the winter.

3. Cover your solar heat collectors

You may need a technician to help you tilt your solar collectors, and if it isn't possible to hire a technician once or twice a year, you may need a simpler solution. Try covering your solar hot water collectors. You can shade them with an awning during certain seasons or simply cover them partially with a dark coloured tarp.

4. Keep your water usage steady

Lifestyle changes can alter how much water you use, and if your usage levels drop suddenly, the water will sit in your tank longer, and as it sits, it will raise in temperature, resulting in overheated water. If your water usage levels drop, take advantage of one of the ideas above to help alleviate that shift and make your water cooler.

5. Dump your hot water

Instead of trying to reduce the amount of overheated water in your hot water system, put the extra hot water to use in your home. You can install a "heat dump" feature in your solar hot water system. Essentially, every time the water in the tank begins to overheat, the system automatically "dumps" it and lets cooler water flow into the tank.

The extra water can go into an underground radiant floor tubing system, or it can be funneled into a hot tub or a pool. For more information and advice, work with a local solar company like Solar Repairs

