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Why It's Time to Switch From a Gas to an Electric Lawn Mower

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Most people think that all lawn mowers are the same – they cut grass and that's it. But actually, this is not the case, there are two main varieties of lawn mower – gas and electric. Most people have gas lawn mowers, but some people are making the very savvy decision of switching to electric models. An electric lawn mower can be a great asset to your garden equipment. Here are four compelling reasons why it's time for you to make the switch too.

Lower maintenance. When you use a gas lawn mower, you have to empty the tank of gasoline after every use. This is because if the gas is left to sit idly inside the tank, it will thicken up and turn into varnish, with blobs and debris that will stop it from running as smoothly as it should. This constant process of filling and emptying the tank can become very tedious, but, of course, with an electric machine, you don't have to think about this at all.

Better for the environment. Climate change is one of the most pressing issues on the planet today. In order to create a better planet for your children and their children, it is important to do your bit for the environment. Switching from gas to electric garden equipment is one such way that you can do so. Your electric machine will release no emissions into the atmosphere, making it a far more eco-friendly choice.

Money saving. Who wants to spend more on running their lawn mower than less? Nobody. In which case, it's time for you to switch to an electric model to experience the cost savings the machine will bring. Of course, you will save money on the gas that you won't need, but electric lawn mowers don't require oil, spark plug, or filter changes either, unlike their gas driven counterparts. And considering that the cost of electric and gas lawn mowers is pretty much the same, your savings with an electric machine will be notable. 

They are quieter. There is nothing that ruins a peaceful summer day quite like the sound of a noisy gas lawn mower tearing up some grass. But while gas lawn mowers are particularly noisy and can reach 90 decibels, their electric equivalents can be as quiet as 65 decibels, making them the ideal choice for people who want to enjoy their summer in peace and quiet.

Are you ready to experience all the benefits of an electric lawn mower?
