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Kitchen Renovations | 4 Slip-Resistant Kitchen Floor Materials Perfect For Children

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Planning kitchen renovations can be overwhelming when you don't know where to begin, but your flooring is perhaps one of the most important factors to consider. If you have small children at home, you'll naturally want slip-resistant and child-friendly floors to protect them from falling and injuring themselves when planning your kitchen renovations. Here are some slip-resistant kitchen floor materials that are perfect when you have kids at home.

Vinyl Flooring

Many high-quality vinyl floors come with slip resistant textures and properties that make them attractive choices for kitchens, especially when you have small kids running around the home. Vinyl flooring is also resistant to physical damage, making it a favourite in tough kitchen environments. Vinyl produces superior resistance to slipping even when it is wet, making it safe to use for children. Vinyl also offers a myriad of style and colour choices, allowing you to mimic the warmth of natural wood or stone with ease.

Textured Linoleum Flooring

While smooth linoleum floors may be more slippery than you desire, lightly textured linoleum floors provide excellent anti-slip properties, making them ideal floor choices during kitchen renovations for homes with small children. Made from oxidised linseed oil, linoleum floors are able to withstand wetness, heat and other demanding kitchen conditions, which makes them popular kitchen flooring solutions. Linoleum floors are also available in a variety of styles and colours, so you can integrate them seamlessly with your existing kitchen décor.

Timber Flooring

Timber is an excellent surface for kitchens when you have small children because you have the flexibility to apply anti-slip coatings on them to produce enhanced safety. Anti-slip coatings are easily available at most home improvement stores and can be applied to existing or new timber floors without any difficulty. You'll naturally need to make sure that these coatings are non-toxic and safe to use around children before buying them for your timber floors.

Cork Flooring

Cork flooring is not only resistant to slipping but it also provides a soft underfoot feel that makes it comfortable for children in your household. While cork may seem unappealing in terms of choice, you'll be surprised to note that cork floors come in a range of colours, textures and styles to resonate seamlessly with your kitchen décor. Cork floors are durable, enabling them to withstand all types of impact from your kids.

When you plan the flooring during your kitchen renovations, be sure to consider these slip resistant options for the safety of your children.
