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From Walk-Behinds to Ride on Mowers: Why You Need the Upgrade

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Lawn mowers are very useful equipment when it comes to keeping your home's lawn looking nice. Purchasing good lawn equipment is a worthwhile investment in your home. Making an upgrade from your push lawn mower to ride on equipment is a smart move. However, ride on lawn mowers generally cost more to buy than the traditional walk-behinds. As the following points will indicate, there are plenty of good reasons to buy a ride on mower.

Less fatiguing

Pushing a lawn mower for several hours can be a very tiring task, especially when it is hot outside. The body strength required to push and turn the equipment can make lawn mowing an extremely wearisome job. Being able to cut the turf from the comfort of a seat makes the job a whole lot easier, especially if you have a very big lawn. You can cut grass for many hours without easily feeling physically fatigued. The ability to ride on lawn mowing equipment is particularly beneficial for people with health issues such as back pain or those who are not strong enough to push the machine until the job is finished.

Easier to operate

A lot of first-timers often find it rather difficult to control push mowers. The hand controls on typical models require much upper body strength and great dexterity. Therefore, it is only seasoned users who often operate walk-behinds graciously. With its key ignition mechanism, a ride on mower's engine is started pretty much like that of a car. All that the operator has to do is insert the key in the machine's ignition and turn it. Once the equipment is started, the steering controls can be used to manoeuvre around the lawn almost effortlessly, making equipment operation a lot easier than when using walk-behinds.

More versatile range of applications

Your regular push mowers have restricted application in that it is primarily used to cut turf. Ride on mowers are highly adaptable tools as compared to the walk behind mowers. They can be used with a wide range of attachments and accessories that increase the scope of tasks they can achieve. With the right attachments and accessories, a ride on mower can also be used to break up land, spread fertiliser or even plough snow.

Having disclosed the various benefits you can gain by buying ride on mowing equipment, you should upgrade as you will get the full worth of every penny spent.
